Friday, September 26, 2014

Moroccan Cuisine


In preparation for leaving for Morocco to serve with the Peace Corps, it seems important to get acquainted with the  Moroccan cuisine. Others might choose to  dedicate their time to getting a grip on Moroccan Arabic, bon chance a eux.  Food talks as everyone knows, without a Bing translation.  Showing up in the souk now are clementines, which, as my French connections tell me, is a sign of fall.



  1. Bravo pour ce nouveau volet d'une vie déjà très riche en péripéties! Tiens-nous au courant de tes aventures!

  2. Saying good by. Harder than I thought. Farewell to my over eighty friends in Tacoma, my over ninety Gig Harbor lawyer friend who works every day and plays at least two sets of tennis after, and over seventy friends in Puyallup. Adieu to the clan in Philomath whose Snickers, books, apples and laughs never ran out. Ciao to my amazing grandson Az, or Far Out as he was known on the Pacific Crest Trail which he hiked from San Diego to Canada this summer. Adios to the amazingly hospitable Soot family, shepherds of St. Anne's Orthodox Church in Corvallis. I hope to see you all again in 2017 Inshallah.
