I have a new computer, everything is in French. But it is better than the broken one which died on ,y birthdqy qnd thqt is the reason for the month of silence. We have been studying Deriga daily, as well as learning about Moroccan culture; We have been to the Hotel Malta in Meknes twice for trainings by Peace Corps staff. Always a pleasure to have hot showers!
The big news: we have our new sites. Mine is a half hour east of Rabat so the winter temperature willl be milder than where we are now. The winter was colder than I expected, as the houses are not heated. Getting warm required bottles of hot water and heavy blankets. Now the sun is out and we are warming up. I was given a great birthday party by my host family: Naima and Hassan; As soon as I can retrieve my camera (it has been our training group's camera) I will post pictures of that as well as pictures of my fellow trainees teqching English and organizing activities for the young people at the local Dar Chebab;
We are all going for a five day visit with our host families in oue new sites; To get there I will take three taxis, not expensive at all. I will stay with my new host, Houseine; We stay with our host family for the month of April, during which time ze look for a place to live, get acquainted with people we will be working with, neighbors, shop owners, gendarmes, associations and the children who form phalanxes around us as soon as we go outside; More about our life in Morocco to come as I get used to the French keyboard and figure our how to do photos.
So glad to hear from you and that you finally have a new (french) computer! Sounds fabulous to be in Morocco! Can't wait for pictures!